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ChatGPT Search Competes With Google

Generative AI Strategy
November 16, 2024
Our News Room

Google has been the world’s favorite search engine but its monopoly is now threatened by the launch of ChatGPT Search by OpenAI, on October 31st, 2024. With users wanting succinct answers to questions, ChatGPT provides a unique user experience that is now deemed preferred, sparking Google, Microsoft, Meta, and Apple to pivot their platforms to generative engines and LLM Technology.

ChatGPT can now search the World Wide Web much better than when it first launched in 2022. Its fast, timely answers with relevant web sources trigger the importance of SEO experts adapting data structures to meet the requirements for Google and LLM platforms like ChatGPT. “It is gloves off with Google and Microsoft, albeit Microsoft has invested heavily in OpenAI over the last 2 years,” says Hema Dey, CEO of Iffel International and Director of SEO2Sales™.

The Risks Around Sales Performance For Businesses

Our research at Iffel International combines data on lead generation and sources of leads be it Google, Bing, CoPilot, ChatGPT, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. Without a doubt, there is a seismic shift in traffic migrating out of Google to ChatGPT and this will only continue to grow. This simply means businesses have to adapt their digital marketing methodologies to meet these new demands and here are some steps for consideration:

Business AreaRisks To MitigateSolution
Management Teams1. Reduced sales revenue due to a drop in rankings with Google AI Overviews – SGE
2. Teams that are not up to date with LLM technology like ChatGPT
3. Siloed sales and marketing teams
1. Get an expert in to do an audit on both talent and technology to ensure your business is set up for all changes
2. Get familiar with ChatGPT and how it works
3. Implement training programs for staff to get up to speed
4. Outsource to an agency that is up to speed with all the changes and has both marketing and technology capabilities – read our detailed restructuring guide HERE
Sales and Marketing Teams1. Siloed teams that are not focused on one goal and strategy
2. The disconnect between technology skills and sales/marketing could cause your business to halt
3. Branding projects are off track due to a lack of understanding of user requirements and search
1. Siloed teams that are not focused on one goal and strategy
2. The disconnect between technology skills and sales/marketing could cause your business to halt
3. Branding projects are off track due to a lack of understanding of user requirements and search
Customer Service Teams1. Siloed and not integrated with the sales and marketing strategies, tasks, and projects
2. Not focused on customer trends and issues
1. Creating a structure where customer service teams or the reception desk works closely with the sales and marketing teams for content creation
2. Log all queries coming in and form a solid list of frequently asked questions
SEO Teams1. Deploying strategies that are not user or market focused
2. Siloed from sales and marketing strategies and wrong assumptions are made
1. Siloed teams that are not focused on one goal and strategy
2. The disconnect between technology skills and sales/marketing could cause your business to halt
3. Branding projects are off track due to a lack of understanding on user requirements and search
Content Teams1. Plagiarized content
2. A lack of unique content
1. Ensure lateral thinking in content creation
2. Apply the 3-second rule on engagement
3. Practice the art of creating unique content that starts with user problems
4. Bring an expert to train your content team on how to create unique content such as Iffel International.

The notion of marketing is now truly in play, where the idea of keyword stuffing is long gone. Marketers, Business Coaches, and Fractional Consultants in sales and marketing without a technology background are handicapped with decision making around branding, competitor benchmarking, sales strategies, content creation, and much more. Technology will continue to evolve, but the art of setting a competitive advantage remains, and may the best marketers win on the world wide web.

Do Not Assume

The landscape in digital marketing is changing very fast. Every change note has to be tracked, strategy refined and the only way to do this is to be in the trenches with your teams. Do not assume things will just work themselves out, there is a science and art behind it all and if you have any doubts or feel that you are experiencing stuckness, Iffel International is tracking every change note and has a lab that is focused on testing, refining and giving you the answers you need for your business. We go beyond ranking keywords, we are your digital sales and marketing team – albeit outsourced, we provide a very “hands-on-in-the-trench” approach to our case management.

If you have questions, please send them to us HERE

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