Content Writing

Stuck With Writing Content?

Off course you aren’t writing content, you are busy running your law firm or medical practice or saving some cybersecurity attack. Our writers and CMOs combined, provide authentic written content that is 100% focused on your target audience.

Your wish is our command and we write educational marketing material. What type of written content do you need?

  1. Blogs
  2. Press Releases
  3. Social Media Copy
  4. eMail Marketing
  5. Website Copy
  6. PowerPoint Presentations

Some FAQ’s when it comes to content writing:

Are you simply generating written content with ChatGPT?

This is against our values and ethics to plagiarise. We may do research on multiple platforms but our writing is based on a true commitment to the written word, grammar, spelling and comprehension of your case in full.

How can you show us that the content is not plagiarized?

We have software where we run all plagiarism checks and can produce the data to show you fact from fiction.

How do you know how to write about legal matters?

Our job is to connect your target audience with your law firm. The focus is not to write as a law firm but more so on the neuroscience and empathy on the problems your prospects are experiencing.

Why do we need blogs monthly?

This is part of machine learning, indexing content on your website to show authority and to show a commitment to serving information into a crowded space called the internet.

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