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Google’s Anti-Trust Trial

Marketing Strategy
August 17, 2024
Our News Room

Many of you would have seen on major news networks, Google’s antitrust trial of which Judge Amit Mehta has ruled against this tech giant this month. This is a risk for businesses who are relying on Google as a revenue source. Google is appealing the case and it has the potential to go to the US Supreme Court. There is a planned federal trial, on Google’s digital advertising dominance in September 2024. What does this all mean?

Google holds 90% market share and dominance when it comes to search. It has been very hard for competition like Microsoft or smaller engines like DuckDuckGo to break into the market. The verdicts around this trial will mean, a more fair and even playing field as soon as 2025 – and it will impact how digital marketers structure their campaigns by applying search everywhere optimization. Make no mistake that Google is still important but adapting strategies and data structures along with content creation to other search engines is key.

What are the risks around the Google Anti-Trust Trial for business owners and CEOs?

Risk CategoriesPossible Impact On A BusinessRisk Mitigation Strategies
Leads and Sales RevenueIf you are reliant on new business from Google, there could be a shift in methodologies for both paid ads and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).Your SEO team needs to stick to the rules and guidelines more than ever before around, E-E-A-T – (experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness). Make the USER the front and center of every decision.
Budget ConsiderationsYour budget for paid ads may double or triple.
Investments in SEO may tank with a mediocre SEO team who do not apply E-E-A-T principles.
Diversify your SEO funnels with Generative Engine Optimization (GEO) to establish data structures and unique content that are friendly for the likes of Google, SGE, Social Media AI, Bing, DuckDuckGo, ChatGPT, SearchGPT, Apple, etc.
Talent AcquisitionIf you do not have the right team that unites sales, marketing, and technology – FAST, you will be left behind and lose competitive advantage.Restructure your teams, fire those who aren’t staying current and adapting fast. If you don’t audit and restructure today, you are in business suicide mode.
Business Management and PlanningOld-fashion and traditional thinking CEO’s need to face the realities and if they aren’t spotlighting search everywhere optimization as a key component of the 2025 strategic plans.Make sure your SEO (Search Everywhere Optimization) is optimized and reflects a profit-focused sales strategy – this is perhaps the most critical part of the process! Learn more about how to do this with SEO2SalesTM.
Content ProductionMediocre teams will fail! Content is not king. Unique content is king.Stay laser-focused on your messaging, the user has to be the priority, lead with the issues that you solve.
Dinosaurs – how do you spot them?If you have dinosaurs on your team be it internal or external, here is how you spot them:

1. Not focused on the market and what the competition is up to online. Spend most of the time in internal meetings, and heavily siloed into discussions around everything but marketing and sales.
2. Siloed sales, marketing, and customer service teams – huge them and us issues.
3. Hire coaches and consultants who aren’t in tune with current online marketing trends – the business suicide squad.
4. Does not understand how to correlate branding projects with search and technology advancements in buyer behavior.
If you have dinosaurs on your team be it internal or external, here is how you spot them:

1. Not focused on the market and what the competition is up to online. Spend most of the time in internal meetings, and heavily siloed into discussions around everything but marketing and sales.
2. Siloed sales, marketing, and customer service teams – huge them and our issues.
3. Hire coaches and consultants who aren’t in tune with current online marketing trends – the business suicide squad.
4. Does not understand how to correlate branding projects with search and technology advancements in buyer behavior.

The cost of restructuring for companies will be hefty and time-consuming if you aren’t immersed with it all. This is why we have developed a program to onboard all changes for companies, provide guidance to CEO’s on how to pivot and pivot fast. If overheads are an issue, we have a team who are now trained, to adapt your business to mitigate all risks around the changes, you can delegate the work to us for a fraction of the costs vs hiring a team. For an initial consult contact us HERE.

Some FAQ’s:

What type of leadership team should we recruit to audit the required restructure?

We have been immersed in this audit and prescriptions on how to handle the restructure. You must get the right level of help, but what is right?
1. Do not hire consultants who are traditional in thinking but mature and savvy with all changes that are happening in the world of sales and marketing – they MUST have the tech knowledge to understand how to connect the dots.
2. Any consultants or executives with siloed agendas for sales and marketing teams need to be fired!
3. If the person doing the audit has no clue about the fundamentals of SEO, content creation, and Generative Engines – fire them.
4. If they are facilitating your 2025 strategic plans and not including diversifying sales funnels and campaigns outside of Google, you are hedging your bets on the wrong team or consultant.

Why should we hire Iffel International Inc?

1. We are very profit to sales-focused and understand the fundamentals of branding, marketing, and technology – our technical team connects the dots and isn’t working in a silo.
2. We specialize in B2B businesses and specialty B2C companies from law firms, medical practices, manufacturers, and exporters – we don’t take on everyone, only those who want to seriously grow.
3. Our CMO/CTO Hema Dey, is an award-winning international sales and marketing professional.
4. Our CMO/CRO Nat Klein, has grown global consumer brands like Bang Olufsen, Beats by Dre, and Oakley – she works closely with Hema Dey to modernize brands in today’s generative AI search engines.
5. We have a content creation team that works closely with Nat and Hema to produce unique, compelling content that is structured for full optimization on both search engines and generative AI engines.

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