
Press Release

SEO2Sales™ + AI Creator Hema Dey Joins Mvs, Inc. As Fractional Marketing Director 

Press Releases
January 16, 2024
Our News Room

Newport Beach, California – January 16, 2024 – President and CEO of MVS, Inc. (Mountain View Services) and Chem-Pak Eric L. Goodman has appointed Hema Dey as Fractional Marketing Director. 

As CEO & CTO of Iffel International and My Healthcare Marketing, an award-winning full-service marketing firm, Dey has developed and honed SEO2Sales™ now infused with generative AI, her signature proprietary method for creating data-driven online marketing strategies that effectively drive sales and growth. In addition to her work in helping businesses unlock their profit potential, Dey is an advocate for and consultant on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), working with organizations to strengthen their brand and competitive advantage through a strategic embrace of DEI principles.

Orange County business and community leader Goodman first met Dey in their shared work for the Inland Empire Regional Chamber of Commerce (IERCC), where they served as Division Leaders for Healthcare and eCommerce, respectively, and worked together on several projects in the healthcare sector. Goodman has been a lifelong advocate for people with disabilities as well as being passionately committed to the value of building relationships within the community. As part of his work to give back to the community, he serves on the boards of the MVS Foundation, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Fontana Foundation of Hope, Mountain Shadows Foundation, the CSUF Center for Leadership, Passkeys Foundation, and Team Kids. 

Goodman cited the alignment of their views on the value of diversity and inclusion and Dey’s strategic marketing work in support of small and medium- sized businesses as the impetus for her appointment to the Advisory Board.
“We have some other exciting announcements coming soon as we expand our businesses and offer our services to the community. Hema is going to play a key role in the expansion and helping us support others,” Goodman said. 

Dey is also an accomplished speaker, infusing insight with humor in her keynote addresses “What Is Your Ingrown Toenail?” on creating a dynamic sales and marketing growth plan, and “Get Inclusive,” on how inclusive branding, messaging, and business culture can increase revenue and fuel growth. “The time is now to bring everyone to the table with the best in products, service, and kindness. Eric and I are both aligned in creating a business ecosystem that is beneficial to our clients and stakeholders,” says Dey.

MVS, Inc. has been a leading medical supply and distribution company serving healthcare and other facilities in California since 1988. The company offers a wide variety of products and services to over 500 residential care homes, daycare centers, homeless shelters, schools, and nonprofit organizations throughout the region. Its mission is to dependably provide its clients with high-quality food, supplies, and everyday necessities so that they can focus, in turn, on those that they serve.

Founded 18 years ago, Iffel International is a globally-minded digital marketing firm located in Southern California. As the home of SEO2Sales™, Iffel and My Healthcare Marketing connects the dots between marketing and sales to bring clients the right leads for increased profit and growth.

MVS Inc.

Iffel International

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