Archives for 2014

by Hema DeyDec 02, 2014

Don’t Shoot The Messenger!

Meet Mr. CooperIffel’s Google Intelligence Dog In 2015 we are providing webinars and seminars for business owners and corporate executives on update...
by Hema DeyDec 02, 2014

Import and Export Support…..with Glocal

WHO QUALIFIES TO ENGAGE WITH GLOCAL:  Importing and Exporting using the internet a.k.a eCommerce and mCommerce is feasible. If you are not sure h...
by Hema DeyOct 28, 2014

A Culture is Required to Accept Change!

By Iffel International Inc. Lets  make this as simple to digest as possible… have probably worked with many marketing professionals, eithe...
by Hema DeyAug 20, 2014

Is Ecommerce A Threat To Us Businesses?

eCommerce as a sector has been trending between 10%- 14% growth on average in the USA, and is predicted to be a $434 billion secto...
by Hema DeyJun 20, 2014

Why Videos are an Essential Ingredient For a Successful Ecommerce…

In this age of Digital Marketing and eCommerce, having a video on your website is crucial.  With the massive growth in Video Social Media and oth...
by Hema DeyJun 19, 2014

Calceo Oft College Show

by Hema DeyJun 19, 2014

Critical Mass Radio Show June 17, 2014 Hema Dey

President and CEO of her own firm IFFEL International, Hema Dey joined our show to talk about how her firm is helping companies in their trading an...
by Hema DeyJun 17, 2014

Imperative Components in Creating Your Ecommerce Site to Be a…

Design is crucial for eCommerce websites.  Without a highly thought out and appealing ahead-of-the pack website your traffic be eternally vying w...
by Hema DeyJun 09, 2014


In this digital age we live in, functional and attractive websites are essential for any business to survive.  Websites are a significant sales a...
by Hema DeyMay 22, 2014

Yesterday’s Websites Don’t Cut It in Today’s Mobile World

Cisco reported last week that mobile data traffic in 2013 was 18 times more than all traffic across the entire global Internet in 2000. And company we...
by Hema DeyApr 22, 2014

Export News – Riverside Office of Foreign Trade Issue 19:…

Hema Dey, CEO of Iffel International features here: EXPORT Magaz...
by Hema DeyApr 22, 2014

Iffel International Glocal News | Q1 2014

FOCUS is MOBILE WEBSITES! If you don’t have one, Google says you need one……. 1. Firstly, a big congratulations to Marc Hankin fromHankin Pa...

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